Tongkat Ali - Eurycoma Longifolia Jack
Tongkat Ali is referred to Ali’s walking stick in Malay language. It is also dubbed as “Malaysian Ginseng” and popularly known as “Asian Viagra”. Another folk name of this plant is Longjack. The scientific name of Tongkat Ali is Eurycoma Longifolia. Tongkat Ali is a flowering plant of the Simaroubaceae family. It is native to the jungles and rainforests of Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Indonesia. Tongkat Ali is one of the most widely used herbal medication in Southeast Asia, primarily because of its power to enhance libido and sexual function. Apart from yohimbe, tongkat ali is the only herbal medication that has been scientifically proven to work as an aphrodisiac. It is a natural testosterone booster that works in several ways to safely increase your bodies natural production of testosterone, this can have many positive results, such as; reversing the effects of erectile dysfunction while increasing your ability to burn body fat and increase muscle mass.

Tongkat Ali can help achieve:
- Increase the bodies natural defences against bacterial & viral infections.
- it helps strengthen the lower back of men making it stronger during intercourse.
- helps increase the production of testosterones in men.
- it makes erections rock hard
- it helps prevents premature ejaculation in men
- anti malaria agent
- helps in keeping the blood sugar lower.
- Improves Circulation
- Strengthens Immune System
- Improves Physical and Mental Performance
- Increases Energy Levels, Endurance, and Stamina
- Reduces mental fatigue and exhaustion
- Helps Tone Skin&Muscles
- Improves Testosterone Production
- Improve fertility and libido
- Also suitable for sportspeople and those in weight training regimes.
Aanbieding 50% Korting:
Tongkat Ali 200:1 Extract Deal 10 gram 12,50 €
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